Expert meeting: Measuring properly is knowing better

What is involved in the quality assurance of highly energy-efficient construction and renovation? Measuring well is not just a matter of having the right equipment, you have to know what you are doing.
On Tuesday, starting at 15:00, Niek-Jan Bink will talk about ACIN and the ins and outs of good measurement during the expert meeting ‘Measuring well is knowing well‘. Click here and register soon!
High-quality measuring instruments workshop
One of ACIN’s successful developments is the FlowFinder®, developed to control balance ventilation. The instrument is generally used for quality assurance in construction. Air density can be measured by sound waves or with a differential pressure meter. In the workshop, the co-owner of ACIN will tell you more about the operation of the FlowFinder® and other high-quality measuring instruments such as the VentiFlow®. Want to know more about how to colour seams and cracks red on a monitor to make unwanted air flows visible? Then we look forward to seeing you at the expert meeting.
Added value of ACIN
ACIN Instrumenten has distinctive capacity. The will and passion to make the instruments as practical as possible is what makes ACIN so special. The highest possible measurement quality at an affordable price. The production is carried out entirely in-house. In this way, the focus is on quality rather than mass production. ACIN is also happy to provide advice to direct customers and interested parties during demonstrations, workshops and expert meetings.
6 simple tips from ACIN
For quality assurance professionals
- Know and understand the measuring equipment for quality assurance
- Beware of false accuracy
- Reduce incidental measurement errors by repeating measurements
For clients
- Ask for referrals from the quality assurance officer
- Ask specifically about the quality of the measuring equipment
- Take a look when measuring
Why is the expert meeting being organised?
ACIN is committed to quality assurance. In order to carry out quality controls properly, you not only need high-quality measuring equipment. It is much more important to know and understand the measuring equipment. Every measuring instrument has limitations. This is because certain measurement conditions influence the results. The most common mistake is that measurement specialists have the right equipment, but do not always know what they are doing.
Information expert meeting
Location: Ede
Date: 5 July 2022 – 15:00
Costs members DNA.: € free
Cost non-members DNA.: € 17,50 excl. VAT and costs.
Article with additional information/interview: Knowledge Institute Core
Apply via: DNA In de Bouw