
Handheld relative humidity and temperature meters

The handheld meters of ACIN instruments are very convenient and highly accurate for measuring the relative humidity and temperature in a room. They are immediately ready for use and show the reliable measurement results in the display. A number of variants are available.

Handheld instruments are usually the first step in identifying a humidity problem or the need for modified humidity/temperature conditions by means of a spot check. Handhelds are simple to specify and use. ACIN can deliver a wide range of handheld instruments for measuring humidity and temperature. The wide variety of (exchangeable) sensors make our handhelds suitable for various applications and users.

The use of handheld meters

If you suspect a moisture problem in a room or if an RH and T reading does not seem entirely reliable, the first thing you do is check it with a Rotronic hand-held meter. These hand-held meters are very accurate and reliable. In addition to the aforementioned applications, there are many more reasons and applications to take a measurement. Think of this:

  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Food processing
  • Building Control
  • Museums
  • Warehouses
  • Agribusiness
  • Seed Processing

More information handheld meters

If you would like more information or additional advice about handheld meters for humidity and temperature, please contact us at or by telephone at +31 (0)70 – 3070703. Of course, you can also just fill in the form below. Our service or sales department will then contact you immediately.

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